It’s fun.
It’s fast.
It works!

  • developed by a speech therapist
  • 3 x 3 grids
  • easily add and remove pages
  • upload images, video from your photo library or the internet
  • 20,000+ images accessible from the SymbolStix library
  • typing/messaging window can be turned on/off
  • languages available:  English and Spanish
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BRIDGE Communication app

Break Down

Enhance Communication

Increase Engagement & Exploration

Decrease Frustrations & Negative Behaviors

BRIDGE Communication AAC app. Senior using board for memory care, scheduling, organization. Dementia, Alzheimer

Celebrating success is done through connection.

Talking about concerns is done through connection.

Learning language at any age is done through connection.

Practicing speech at any age is done through connection.

Learning to talk at any age is done through connection.

Building vocabulary is done through connection.

Communication is done through connection.



BRIDGE Communication app
BRIDGE Communication app
BRIDGE Communication app
BRIDGE Communication app. Home vocabulary.
BRIDGE Communication app
BRIDGE Communication app
BRIDGE Communication app
BRIDGE Communication app. Foods.
BRIDGE Communication app. Community locations.
BRIDGE Communication app. School areas.
BRIDGE Communication app. Clothing.
BRIDGE Communication app. Daily living.
BRIDGE Communication app. Expressing feedback/reactions.
BRIDGE Communication app. Family relationships.
BRIDGE Communication app
BRIDGE Communication AAC app. Articulation board sample.
BRIDGE Communication AAC app. Articulation board sample.
BRIDGE Communication AAC app. Articulation board sample.
BRIDGE Communication app. Progress forms to track student/client progress are accessible from the BRIDGE Communication app!

District/school-wide adopters include:


  • Santa Clara County Office of Education (San Jose, CA)
  • Buncombe County Schools (Asheville, NC)
  • Franklin Pierce Schools (Tacoma, WA)
  • Penleigh and Essendon School (Melbourne, Australia)
  • Roxburgh Homestead School (Melbourne, Australia)
Child using BRIDGE Communication app on ipad with Spanish vocabulary.

“We are so grateful to have this communication app available to our students!”

As a speech therapist and assistive technology specialist in our county schools, I have found it to be an easy communication app to educate others about and teach them to customize it for their students.

It is both adult and child-friendly with recognizable pictures, color displays, categories, core words, and meaningful words. Our county has 1-to-1 devices for our students countywide and the BRIDGE app is affordable (and even more so with the volume discount), so we can outfit all of our students with special needs that need access to alternative communication.

In addition, it is also affordable for us to recommend to our students’ families. It is a starting app for some, and a more permanent solution for other students. The developer is easy to work with, reach, and available to educate our staff about the app. We love the BRIDGE app!

 -Beth E., NC school speech therapist & assistive technology specialist

see more testimonials


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