Say more with less

Say More with Less

Ever wonder why or how children develop language? It starts with exposure, a lot of exposure. Exposure based on interests. Consistent exposure based on shared experiences, that both parties are attending to fully. Attention, exposure, and growing awareness. I enjoyed the descriptive breakdown from a helpful article by The Hanen Centre about ways to build vocabulary:
Why build vocabulary?
Simple. This is how language is both understood and formed. This is the way all of our children develop, regardless of needs. This is the way language exposure to secondary languages are also formed. We have to both understand vocabulary and then apply vocabulary in order to build and utilize language to its fullest form. Using language fully positively impacts communication.
Communication yields connection.
We all strive for connection. Connection, growth, understanding, support, and stimulation – newness – development. All of us.
Now take this a step further. When we are teaching our littlest ones to both understand and use new vocabulary, and build language, and communicate with us, we are not teaching an overly complex system to them, nor are we requiring complexity in order to connect. Our little ones also need to know anywhere from 50-300 words before they start adequately combining words in a manner that supports further development and growth. We grow with them.
How will they know 50-300 words?
Vocabulary. My point is simple. Expose vocabulary. Repeat words of interest. Do this over and over again with a platform of success, fun, engagement, and interaction. Watch language naturally grow from there. Use a variety of parts of speech, not just nouns. Our app makes this very easy to do. Just pick up the app and choose a group to open, and explore it beginning to end. Don’t stop on “happy” or “big” or “eat” when we can get to “connected” and “yucky” and “think”. How fun to grow with each other, one word at a time, so many smiles at a time.
I had a speech student just yesterday accidentally see a grid of the faces of the many students I see virtually to support speech development. She is 6 years old, has severe apraxia, and English is her second language, and we use the app each session to model words, development, and have a way for her to practice her speech in both languages outside of therapy sessions. Once the impact hit, she said pleadingly, and concerned, “Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me. You have all these other children. Please please don’t leave, me.”
Ok this hard, not gonna lie. Hard and satisfying. Hard hearing her concern at her young age. Her awareness. Satisfying knowing that with this platform and all we are doing to reach others, it’s working. It makes a difference. One word, many smiles, at a time.
Say more with less required words and more involved interaction, attention, listening, and support. And watch the seeds you are planting blossom and grow, in their time.
Weitzman, E. (2017). It Takes Two to Talk: A practical guide for parents of children with language delays. Toronto: The Hanen Centre.